My Weekly Schedule

Monday: Community Game Night from 20:00uk (On my Discord)

Thursday: Stream from 20:00uk βž‘οΈπŸš‚ OpenTTD Let's Play S11 🌟

Friday: Stream from 13:00uk ➑️ πŸš‚ Transport Fever 2 πŸš„ LIVE Let's Play S2

Saturday: Video at 11:50uk ➑️ Tutorial / Challenge/ Let's play / Special

Sunday: Video at 11:50uk ➑️ Review / Let's play / Special

βž• Announcements and info, etc., will be posted on social media at 08:30

βž• Shorts of Tips and Clips Monday - Friday at 11:50

You can check out scheduled events on my Discord and streams on my YouTube channel.