Why the name Master Hellish?

Before Master Hellish I went by many names online. A long time ago when creating my first character on World Of Warcraft I named my undead priest 'Master Hellish'. From then on I have used that name for everything I do online.

Why/How Did You Start YouTube?

I started making an OpenTTD tutorial for my friends could play it at LAN parties. I continued to make videos due to the community that grew around that.

Can You Play/Stream X OR I have an idea or suggestion for you, what's the best way to deliver this?

If you have an idea or suggestion you need to go over to my discord, use the general-forum (https://discord.gg/wQpCbYapsA) posting with a good descriptive title and the "Idea" tag. This allows me to effectively collect ideas together.

I need help in OpenTTD / How do you do x in OpenTTD

If you need OpenTTD help you can either go to one of the following places; You can check out my tutorial series (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMXFMjZu8j8&list=PLX9TPVcxrORP8EOLYBgnhzxK6VbncNil7) or come along to my Discord where there is an OpenTTD Help channel (https://discord.gg/Dy7YWkXUsX). Alternately you could try the OpenTTD; wiki (https://wiki.openttd.org/en/), forum (https://www.tt-forums.net) or Discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/0nQXSRX64lIL1zk4).

I have a question about the store

Check out the dedicated store FAQ: https://masterhellish.net/storefaqs

How Do I Play OpenTTD Multiplayer

Check out my how-to video for Multiplayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyIS0ZXV5rQ & if you want to host your own server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLZckmRZ044.

Why do I have to pay for some things?

I am a content creator. My core focus is to create content which people can enjoy. All the main content which I put out is available for free. Running a content creation business has a lot of costs involved (web hosting, stream services, equipment etc). This is where my Viewer+ program comes in. People who sign up support me and help to cover all these costs and provide a small amount of compensation for my time and effort. As a thank you to these people (who quite frankly keep the free content coming for everyone) I provide a few benefits including some game servers. Short story, you don't have to pay to enjoy my content but if you do decide to support me then you get some bonuses in return.

Can you play a game with me/us?

Unfortunately, between work and family life, I do not have the time to be able to game with people. I do however put on events where viewers can take part in multiplayer games. These are either public games when doing large/charity events or Viewer games. Viewers games are events where viewers get the opportunity to play in Hellish multiplayer games. When either of these are scheduled they are announced on social media and on Discord.

What Minecraft mods do you use?

On the Viewer+ Server we have: afk display, anti enderman grief, armor statues, more mob heads and player head drops.
On my client I have... Mods: fabric(sodium, replaymod, shulkerboxtooltip, XaerosWorldMap, Xaeros_Minimap, Bobby), Resource packs: Classic Faithful 64x, Vanilla Tweaks(StickyPistonSides, DirectionalHoppers, CleanRedstoneDust, BetterObservers, DirectionalDispensersDroppers, DarkUI), + dependencies

Why do you develop your own tools rather that using existing ones?

There are 4 main reasons to this...
• Cost. Sometimes the tools cost or features are behind a paywall.
• Integration. If I use my own tools I can much more closely integrate it with the things I want to. For example Viewer+ and the points system.
• 3rd parties. Having my own tools means not having to reply on 3rd parties. They can change the service, start charging for it or even just stop providing something all together.
• Features. Having my own tools means I get to decide what features it has and how it works.

Do you use AI in your content creation?

While I use AI tools occasionally, they are just one part of my process to enhance efficiency and quality. The core of my work and it's originality comes from me. Using various tools, including AI ones, helps me effectively achieve more while balancing other life responsibilities. I do feel it’s essential to focus on how they are developed and managed by the companies that produce them. They are not just going to go away, we need to ensure the tools we do have are ethical. It's important to remember not all of these tools are the same and neither is the way they are created or used. If it's a topic you feel strongly about, there are lots of interesting reports and papers on the sustainability and ethics of AI which (as a developer by trade) I have found interesting my self.